Monday, 27 August 2012

Day 240: George Is Wet

On the way back from Wallerawang today we decided to have a little rest stop at the Lake George lookout. There is quite a bit of water in Lake George at the moment and it's something of a novelty because for so many years there was nothing there but an enormous, flat, paddock.

The drive home from The Wang was a sedate affair and this little stop was a good opportunity to stretch the legs a little and take a quick photo of the 'Lake'.

After getting back to Matts, unloading his bike and then hooking the trailer back up to my car I headed in to Fyshwick to pick up the Ginger Ninja. With both bikes in tow I made my way home, unloaded, rearranged the garage and then went in to the shops to replace Henry's sun glasses that had been eaten by the dog while I was away. By the time I finished all that, Belinda was home with Henry and any ideas I'd had of a quiet nap had gone out the window... although I did squeeze in a little Nanna Nap on the couch before Henry's bath time.

I'm back at work tomorrow and am feeling like I need a week of to recover from my weekend. At least this time I didn't come home with 6 stitches in my face and the need to replace the handlebars on my bike like I did last year.

So for me, the score card reads like this:
Great riding, check.
Great company, check.
Drinking too much with the boys, check.
No bike damage, check
No injuries, check.

5 out of 5 - a perfect score on the Funometer.

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