Thursday, 15 March 2012

Day 75: A Mint Sunset

On the way home from the pub this evening having still not taken a photo for the day, I thought I'd take advantage a cloud formation that was obscuring the sun as it was setting. I was heading down Adelaide Avenue from the City so I decided to turn off toward the Royal Australian Mint where I could take the photo from the sport fields that adjoin the Mint's car park.

I felt a lot of uncertainty as to how the photo would actually turn out as I was shooting directly into the sun and the tiny little screen on the hand-me-down Canon gives very little indication. Overall, I'm quite pleased with the photo, of course I've tweaked the image with a little of Snapseed's Drama setting.

1 comment:

  1. Your little hand-me-down has done you proud! Have to admit though that Snapseed does give it something else. :-)
